A barista is an espresso machine “coffee artist” who has extensive knowledge about coffee and prepares, decorates and serves drinks to the customer.

Barista (m/f) is the Italian word for barkeeper. The Italian plural form is baristi (m) or bariste (f). The term was initially adopted in English, where its meaning changed slightly. While a barista in Italy serves all kinds of drinks, the term in English-speaking countries refers to an individual who prepares and serves espresso-based drinks with an air of professionalism, primarily in coffee shops. The term subsequently entered the German language with this meaning.

A barista is also often a master of “latte art” who creates images in the cappuccino when pouring the milk foam on to the espresso.

In their field of activity, baristas require a knowledge of coffee blends, coffee roasting, how to operate and maintain espresso machines, froth milk and much more. Knowledge such as this can be acquired in barista courses.