Here you will find answers to your questions about your JURA product. Select the product line and then the model. The product manual in PDF format, tips on using the product and any other available resources will appear on the tabs below.

Selected model: IMPRESSA E80

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    Drip tray

    Is it normal for water to run into the drip tray every time that coffee has been dispensed?

    Yes, after each occasion on which coffee is dispensed, the residual water is conveyed into the drip tray via a special valve.

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    Everyday care

    To ensure that your IMPRESSA or ENA produces top-quality coffee and functions correctly, the machine should be cleaned and maintained on a daily basis. You should proceed as follows:

    • Empty coffee grounds container and drip tray every day and rinse with hot water.
    • Clean and de-scale the machine or change the CLARIS plus filter cartridge when instructed to do so in the display.
    • Wipe the machine surface with a damp cloth or wipe the coloured front panels with the JURA caring cloth.
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    Caramelised coffee beans

    To ensure that your machine provides satisfaction for a long time and to avoid repairs, please note that the grinder on your JURA coffee machine is not suitable for coffee beans that have been treated with additives (e. g. sugar) during or after roasting.

    Use of such coffee mixtures can result in damage to the grinder. Any repair costs incurred as a result are not covered by the warranty provisions.

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    Cleaning the Easy Cappuccino frother / fine foam frother

    If the Easy Cappuccino frother / fine foam frother is to fulfil your coffee dreams, it needs to be cleaned regularly.

    • Tip: rinse the frother with fresh water after use. To do this, dip the hose in a container of water and draw off steam until only clean water flows.
    • Note: the Easy Cappuccino frother / fine foam frother can be completely disassembled for the purposes of giving it a thorough clean.
    • Tip: to ensure that all traces of milk are removed, we recommend using the Auto Cappuccino Cleaner from time to time.
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    Cleaning the Professional Cappuccino Frother / Professional fine foam frother

    If the Professional Cappuccino Frother / Professional fine foam frother is to fulfil your coffee dreams, it needs to be cleaned regularly.

    • Tip: rinse the frother with fresh water after use. To do this, dip the hose in a container of water and draw off steam until only clean water flows.
    • To ensure that all traces of milk are removed, we recommend using the Auto Cappuccino Cleaner regularly.
    • The Professional Cappuccino Frother can be completely disassembled for the purposes of giving it a thorough clean.


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    Integrated cleaning programme

    The cleaning programme for your IMPRESSA E80 can be started in either of two ways:

    • With display prompt:

    To start the cleaning programme following a prompt on display, press the Rinse key only very briefly.

    • Without display prompt:

    To start the cleaning programme without a display prompt, press the Rinse key and hold it down until RINSE appears in the display. Now turn the rotary switch until CLEANING lights up in the display. Now press the rotary switch once more to activate the programme.

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    Coffee taste and temperature

    Coffee taste:

    Are you unhappy with the taste of the coffee? If the coffee tastes unpleasant, this could be due to any of the following reasons:

    • The de-scaling programme was run with CLARIS filter cartridge inserted. In that case, take out the filter, insert a new one and program the machine accordingly.
    • Your coffee beans are "sour". Empty the bean container and fill it with fresh beans.
    • Tip: you can program the aroma to suit your particular taste. Press the P key to switch to the Programming mode, where you can choose between AROMA INTENSIVE and STANDARD.
    • Tip: when drawing a cup of coffee you have the option of choosing the coffee strength. If you press the key only briefly, you will get a mild coffee/Espresso, if you hold the key down longer you will get a standard strength coffee/Espresso. If you continue to press the key, you will get a strong coffee/Espresso. Make sure you read the message shown in the display!

    Coffee temperature:

    Is your coffee not hot enough? The following are some commonly found reasons why the coffee might not be hot enough:

    • You do not use a CLARIS filter and your machine may be furred. Check the water hardness, program this correctly and de-scale the machine.
    • Tip: heat up your cup!
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    Milk foam

    The IMPRESSA E25/E80/E85 are supplied with the hot water jet as standard. However, thanks to the Connector System©, you can connect the Cappuccino Frother (fine foam frother), which will allow you to froth milk.

    If the milk is not foamed with the Cappuccino Frother (fine foam frother), the frother is blocked. Remove the frother and clean it thoroughly.

    • Please note that the frother must always be cleaned thoroughly after a drink has been dispensed (with froth).
    • Tip: for cleaning purposes use the special JURA Auto Cappuccino Cleaner.
    • Note: the fat content of the milk has no effect on the froth. Even skimmed milk can be used.
    • Tip: if you are not using a CLARIS filter cartridge, the de-scaling programme can be run, as lime deposits can impede the drawing off of steam.
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    Integrated de-scaling programme

    To start the de-scaling programme, do not switch off your IMPRESSA E80. The de-scaling programme can only be run with the machine switched on.

    The de-scaling programme can be started at any time with or without a display prompt:

    • With display prompt:

    If DESCALE MACHINE / MACHINE READY lights up in the display, press the Rinse key very briefly until EMPTY DRAWER appears.

    • Without display prompt:

    If READY lights up in the display, hold the Rinse key down until RINSE appears in the display. Then turn the rotary switch until DECAL ON lights up. Now press the rotary switch to start the programme.

    If DECAL ON is displayed for an extended period, the de-scaling programme was started with too much liquid or the water was replenished before the tank was empty.

    • Tip: start the de-scaling programme again with 0.5l water. During the de-scaling programme, the water tank is completely emptied. Please do not refill with water until you are prompted to do so in the display.

    If DESCALE MACHINE lights up even though the CLARIS filter has been inserted, the filter was not programmed.

    • Tip: remove the filter and run the de-scaling programme. Then insert a new filter and program the machine correctly.
    • Note: please remove the CLARIS filter from the water tank during the de-scaling programme. If the filter is not removed, the coffee will taste unpleasant as the filter will be soaked with de-scaling solution.
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    CLARIS filter change

    The filter change programme for your IMPRESSA E80 can be started at any time in either of two ways:

    • With display prompt:

    If CHANGE FILTER / MACHINE READY lights up in the display, press the Rinse key very briefly. REPLACE OPEN TAP will now be displayed.

    • Without display prompt:

    If READY lights up in the display, hold the Rinse key down until RINSIG appears in the display. Now turn the rotary switch until FILTER lights up. Now press the rotary switch to start the programme.

    • Note: the water may be slightly discoloured, but this is not hazardous to health.
    • Tip: if the volume of drinks dispensed is low, the CLARIS filter cartridge should be replaced every two months, even if the prompt to do so does not appear in the display.
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    Display and text messages

    DESCALE MACHINE lights up although the CLARIS filter cartridge is in use.

    • The CLARIS filter cartridge was inserted, but not programmed.
    • Tip: remove the filter from the water tank and run the de-scaling programme. Then insert a new filter and program the machine accordingly.

    DECAL ON appears for an extended period.

    • The de-scaling programme was started with too much liquid or the machine was replenished with fresh water too early. During the de-scaling programme, the water tank must be completely emptied.
    • Tip: run the de-scaling programme again with 0.5 l water.

    READY is displayed, but the coffee smells unpleasant.

    • The de-scaling programme was run while the CLARIS filter cartridge was inserted, the filter was not programmed.
    • Tip: remove the used filter, insert a new filter and program the machine accordingly.

    CLEAN MACHINE, DESCALE MACHINE  or CHANGE FILTER do not work even though the prompt is shown on the display.

    • The Rinse key was held down too long.
    • Tip: only press the Rinse key very briefly.

    EMPTY GROUNDS is not displayed.

    • The tray was removed for more than 10 seconds and was not emptied. Empty tray and reinsert.
    • Tip: only empty the tray when the machine is switched on.

    The Rinse menu cannot be started:

    • The Rinse key was not held down for long enough.
    • Tip: hold the Rinse key down until "RINSE" appears. Turn the rotary switch until the desired program lights up and confirm by pressing the rotary switch.